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Bazooka-Joe's Incoherent Ramblings

Monday, December 12, 2005

Pity da Foo

Well, I was recently contacted by an old friend via email that I haven’t spoken to for some time. And he opened my eyes to something insurmountably entertaining I had been completely unaware of. In his words:

“In case you've been jibba-jabberin' too much to learn the greatness of 'Mr T vs Everything': http://www.mrtvseverything.com/

I can’t tell you the mixed emotions that flooded my mind the moment I found out there was a website dedicated to multiple hypothetical scenarios of Mr. T taking on “everything”, but that’s when I learned, it’s not just one site. Apparently “Mr. T versus” is taking the Internet by storm. Even Wikipedia has updated it’s databanks on Mr. T to include the cyberspace phenomenon. Of all the lame stuff to hit the Internet…finally something with substance and healthy cultural and entertainment value! Go ahead, Google-you-this (over 34,000 hits).

In these web-based comic-bookesque sites, Mr. T takes on rock bands, actors, politicians, cartoon characters, game show hosts, terrorist factions, Santa Claus, Star Wars characters, and referencing photos and dialog from A-Team to Rocky III to TBN. Hours worth of free entertainment. There’s even a guide to putting together Mr. T versus web pages. So go ahead, put those TPS reports aside and waste away your workday watching amateurish collections of photoshopped Mr. T skits.

I know I will.

And yes, as a matter of fact, I am working on Mr. T vs. Ronald McDonald.

UPDATE: Coming to a theater near you from the studio frequently with one foot in bankruptcy court and the other in the recycle bins of Dreamworks and Warner Bros., MGM, is yet another sequel to the Rocky saga. Mr. T will be in the 2007 release of "Rocky VI" as his previous character "Clubber Lang". But 'Clubber' is a commentator now 15 years after the release of Rocky III. Rocky VI is rumored to have several working titles including "The Legend of Curly's Gold", and "Grumpy Old Boxers". Sylvester Stalone turns 60 while the film is in pre-production.

Bazooka-Joe made it so at 10:25 AM


  • At December 12, 2005 11:23 AM, Blogger Daniel added:

    I was going to do a Mr. T. vs. Ronald McDonald dialog - but I just don't have the creative energy right now.

    Who amongst us doesn't love Mr. T.? |  

  • At December 13, 2005 8:22 AM, Blogger Dan added:

    I would love to see Mr T. straighten Clippit out. :-)

    It seems that this generation doesn't have the high quality role models we had in the 80s with Mr. T and Chuck Norris.

    This guy at work on Monday told me that Mr. T, "had like 100 pounds of gold around his neck and he was still tough." ..."Ok, maybe it was only 60 pounds, but it was solid gold!" |  

  • At December 13, 2005 3:42 PM, Blogger Bazooka-Joe added:

    Yes, Mr. T's neck muscles are certainly something to behold. I'd pay good money to see Mr. T taken on the Teletubbies or a Boohbah. OOOOOHH I so despise those Boohbahs!!!! |  

  • At December 13, 2005 10:16 PM, Blogger Dan added:

    That is poorest written article I've come across on Wikipedia. Mr. T. oughta pound the foo that wrote all that jibber-jabber.

    ...I guess it may have been written by 'ole T himself. In that case, I apologize for my comments. ;-D

    N'Sync is funny, but the author of the Keanu Reeves one really got his dialog right! :-D |  

  • At December 14, 2005 11:07 AM, Blogger Dan added:

    I am thankful that I'm ignorant of the Boohbah's, but not as thankful as I was a moment ago before you made me aware of their existance. ;-D |  

  • At December 14, 2005 11:57 AM, Blogger Bazooka-Joe added:

    So did you look them up or something? I'm thinking of writing my next blog about Boohbahs, actually. And maybe the TT's as well. And all those childrens programs that make kids stupider than they were before the started watching. |  

  • At December 14, 2005 3:33 PM, Blogger Dan added:

    AUGH!!! The more you talk about it, the more of my brain cells are being consumed to store that horribly useless info in my brain!! Make it stop!

    (I'm somehow ok to spend a few brain cells on useless Mr T. and Chuck Norris info, but I draw the line at horrible modern kids TV programming. ;-D

    I agree with your previous post. This is definately something that Mr. T needs to address. |  

  • At December 15, 2005 11:47 AM, Blogger Jim added:

    Believe it or not, I actually saw Mr. T preach on a Christian show. His gold was conspicuously absent mind you.

    Congrats on the new baby, they are a real blessing.

    On a side note, don't miss out on the opportunity to give your opinion in the latest edition of the book of common knowledge hosted by Doulogos.

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